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Don't know what to do with this girl? - Printable Version

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Don't know what to do with this girl? - teenypolice202 - 04-28-2014 08:28 PM

Ive been dating this girl a couple of months and it was all going fine until we were supposed to go to the cinema but she ended up going with her friends and didn't tell me.

She was ignoring my snapchats and messages for a couple of days. Then I added one of her friends on fb because i knew him from ages ago and she messages me asking why I added him so I told her and she just replied with "sure".

I snaochatted her today apologising and asking if we could get over this, this was after like 4 days of no contact and she replied 20mins later saying she was going out and to ignore any drunk texts with nothing about what I just told her

She seems super p*ssed off with me and I have no idea why, what should I do? help? Smile

- Andy - 04-28-2014 08:33 PM

My friend, you have been well and truly dumped.

- Jay - 04-28-2014 08:40 PM

Shes drifting away. Either she doesnt like you like that anymore, or shes found someone else.

- Jeremiah - 04-28-2014 08:47 PM

Well, bob, I'm sorry to tell ya. Looks like there is something wrong in your relationship. Your girlfriend has stopped answering you, avoids you and most importantly is not interested in you.

If you have to apologize to her through Snapchat, or talk to her through Snapchat, then there's something wrong with you. She doesn't want you to always talk to her on Snapchat. Why don't you hang out with her instead? Why don't you call her instead?

I believe that she feels like your relationship is "boring", You don't keep her entertained.

It's up to you to figure out what you have done wrong. Don't worry. You didn't get dumped yet. She hasn't officially broke up with you. Seriously though, talk to her. Call her or tell her you have to meet up for an important reason.
Ask her what's the problem. Are you the problem?
Talk to her, dude.

Good luck.