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My boyfriend won't stop liking girls pics on FB ect? - Printable Version

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My boyfriend won't stop liking girls pics on FB ect? - Foolishyard574 - 04-28-2014 08:31 PM

He made me delete my facebook as he got so angry and jealous about me having one yet he will not delete his own. We have been a bit bumpy lately and on a break, he told me we should start again and take it slow. He still has se's single on fb, talks to every girl, and likes every single girl's pics, all of them, any girl he's friends with on fb and I click on their pics he's liked them all. A while ago while I still had FB he blocked me. Iv caught him before talking to girls on their. Iv spoken to him and told him how upset this makes me feel and he dosent care he continues acting the bachelor on FB while telling me he loves me. I truly want to end it with him as its been ongoing and he dosent care that it upsets me yet he wont even let me have a facebook. It hurts that he;s acting single on fb, liking so many girls pics and talking to them. its so childish I know, but it could be a pre warning for a cheater? please tell me your thoughts. He's very jealous of me having one as I am a fashion model and he didn't like the male attention I was getting even though I never gave him a reason not to trust me Sad

- Finwie - 04-28-2014 08:33 PM

He doesn't sound like he's a faithful guy, and he sounds somewhat controlling. If you can't have a FB then he shouldn't either! Just end it with him, as he's clearly not that into you.