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How to add our website in DMOZ? - Printable Version

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How to add our website in DMOZ? - Vicky - 04-28-2014 08:34 PM

We are trying to get our site added in DMOZ but whenever we submit they don't respond and neither they add it.

We have tried 2-3 times but they don't approve / add
What are the things to be kept in mind so that DMOZ approves it

- Craig - 04-28-2014 08:39 PM

You have made a very big mistake submitting more than once. You agreed not to do that when you agreed you had read the terms and conditions! You only harm your chances of getting listed by resubmitting! They ban sites that do it too much!

Once you have submitted once to the one best category, there is NOTHING more you can do. DMOZ gets more submissions a day than the volunteer editors have time to process, so they will get to it one day; sometime between now and the next few years.

All you can do is get on with your life and stop worrying about it. It will get listed one day or get rejected one day. DMOZ is not a magic bullet for search engine rankings.

- Anthony - 04-28-2014 08:42 PM

In addition to being a handy place to find new websites, the DMOZ Open Directory project (ODP) is a community-driven site of open data. This means that the data is available in its raw form under a free--as in liberty and zero price--license for you to use and add to your own site. As long as you have some computer programming knowledge, you can add ODP data to your site with relative ease.

Choose a category you wish to display on your site. The DMOZ Open Directory project is huge--there are thousands of categories and hundreds of thousands of sites from which to choose. Choosing a small, focused category is important.

Navigate to DMOZ's rdf (Resource Description Framework) index in your web browser (see Resources below). This page is not the same as the DMOZ Open Directory home page. It's a non-graphically-intensive directory listing of all their publicly available data.

Download "categories.txt" by right clicking on the "categories.txt" link and selecting "Save Link As..." This is a listing of each and every category. Though most are text files (or gzip compressed text files), most are extremely large and it's not recommended you try to open them in your web browser.

Search through this listing with the search function of your favorite text editor or by simply browsing the file. Keep the file for later reference as you can also use this to generate links to DMOZ directories or validate directory names.

Download "content.example.txt" by right clicking on "content.example.txt" and selecting "Save Link As..." The XML file is an example of the directory listings format and can be read by any programming language or tool with XML parsing capabilities.

Note that each "Topic" section in the file contains a list of links to related pages. Under each "Topic" section is a number of "ExternalPage" sections that contain more data about the links listed in the "Topic" section. The data includes information such as the link's title and description.

Download the complete data. Right click on "content.rdf.u8.gz" and select "Save Link As..." This file is extremely large--uncompressed it can be as large as 1 gigabyte. Because it's so large and takes up so many of your computer's resources, be sure that it's saved completely and correctly. You may not need to uncompress this file, as it will be uncompressed during the parsing process.

Filter the data. You probably only want to add a small amount of this data to your site, but in order to filter it you'll need some programming knowledge (or help) and basic UNIX tools.

Write a program in a stream-oriented XML parser and a query language (like XPath) to acquire only the data you want. For example, if you wanted to get all movie reviews about the movie "The 13th Warrior" from the data, you would take all Topic tags whose r:id field is "Top/Arts/Movies/Titles/1/13th_Warrior,_The" as well as all ExternalLinks tags whose topic field is the same.