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What is Web 2.0 Website? - Printable Version

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What is Web 2.0 Website? - Nicole - 04-28-2014 08:35 PM

I dont Know What is web2.0 websites is it some benefits for SEO or Not

- Shreya - 04-28-2014 08:38 PM

Web 2.0 sites : A Web 2.0 site may allow users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators of user-generated content in a virtual community, in contrast to websites where people are limited to the passive viewing of content.

Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking sites,forums, blogs, wikis, folksonomies, video sharing sites, hosted services, web applications, and mashups.

SEO : Yes it is helpful in SEO. See, blog commnets, forums have 1 option in profiles i.e. signature or home page. We have to provide hyperlink or website link in this area. It gives a back link to our website, which is helpful for SEO in rankings and for keywords.

I hope my answer will help you.

All the best.

- Dani - 04-28-2014 08:41 PM

the sites which allow user to interact and comment

- Richard - 04-28-2014 08:44 PM

Web 2.0 Website allow user to interact and collaborate with each other, share the information online.

- Splendor - 04-28-2014 08:50 PM

the sites which allow user to interact.Most Popular Web 2.0 Websites are
YouTube,Wikipedia,Twitter,WordPress,Tumblr etc.

- Kim Cunnings - 04-28-2014 08:51 PM

I think pretty much any website is a web 2.0 website these days.
Web 1.0 - was the Web where sites were sort of isolated from one another and users could not contribute or change the content of the sites.
Web 2.0 - the Internet where the websites are interconnected (for example, I can post a comment on your website and it will appear on my Facebook page - if you have Facebook comments enabled). Also, what's often meant by a Web 2.0 site is a site that allows comments, has sharing buttons or allows you to sign in using Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, etc.

So, considering the majority of websites these days have Web 2.0 characteristics, I guess there isn't a straightforward answer to the question whether Web 2.0 benefits SEO. You'd want to be more specific and ask:

- Do comments help SEO? (yes and no. If they're relevant, moderated comments - yes. If there are many spam comments on your site - you can even get a penalty form Google)
- Does social sign in help? (I'd say it lets users have a more streamline experience. Other than that, I doubt that it affects anything)
- Do social signals help? (On the one hand there is research that shows that Google +1s, like and tweets improve rankings. on the other hand, Google has denied the direct effect of social signals in rankings (especially +1's, may they don't want SEOs to manipulate them).

- khushbu - 04-28-2014 08:55 PM

Web 2.0 describes web sites that use technology beyond the static pages of earlier web sites. A Web 2.0 site may allow users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators of user-generated content in a virtual community, in contrast to websites where people are limited to the passive viewing of content. Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking sites, blogs, wikis, folksonomies, video sharing sites, hosted services, web applications, and mashups.