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Girl suddenly stops talking to me ? - Printable Version

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Girl suddenly stops talking to me ? - Drunkenfuel716 - 04-28-2014 08:53 PM

I was talking to this for 2 weeks on Twitter. We was just friends. We had really good conversations. Everything seemed to be going good. Then suddenly she just stopped talking to me. She never replied to the direct message i sent her. I sent her a tweet a couple of days ago but received no reponse. She has been tweeting other people though. It has been a week since we last talked. Some say she may have lost interest but there was no indication that she liked me. Why we she just suddenly stop talking to me.

- Heather - 04-28-2014 08:57 PM

girls sometimes do that if they get worried about leading someone on they don't like in that way, so maybe that's it:/ perhaps she just wants to be friends and is worried that if you keep talking at the rate you were you could get wrong idea

- Charles - 04-28-2014 09:03 PM

One of three options:

1) She SUDDENLY met a guy who is MUCH HOTTER AND TALLER than you, and she's spending all her energy on him now and lost any interest in you


2) this is less likely option, but maybe one of her friends REALLYYY seethingly hates you, and she whispered bad rumors about you to this girl you're talking to. So now the girl is turned off by you/afraid to talk to you/ mad at you/avoiding you

Either way your only socially acceptable option, since you're in school is to ignore her back, starting now. Zero more messages. Let her come to you

I mean if you had met her on an online dating site and had nothing to lose? Then maybe you could try calling her or texting her asking to just be honest about what's going on, and maybe it would get through to her

But DO NOT do that if she is in your social group or goes to your school!!! Because if you do, she WILL become a huge b*tch and spread bad rumors about how you're "stalking her"!! Trust me