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How to get the backlinks for website? - Printable Version

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How to get the backlinks for website? - sadiqk - 04-28-2014 08:53 PM

hii.. how to get the back links for website?

- James - 04-28-2014 09:01 PM


back links for a website. I have extensive experience in this area. The best, fastest, and cheapest was I found is to you search Fiveer. When I first started building my own sites I did it myself their is also a tool in Google called back link checker. These two places should service you very very well

good luck I hop it helps

- Allthe - 04-28-2014 09:08 PM

When it comes to back links, use reputable forums and link back to your website. But use high quality sites (sites that receive lots of traffic). With back links ,quality outweighs quantity.

- Subhashis - 04-28-2014 09:11 PM

You can get back links from directories,forums,search engines,social bookmarking, article posting, classified adas etc.

- easy - 04-28-2014 09:16 PM

Best book i found for getting unique backlinks daily 25 here

- Tommy - 04-28-2014 09:23 PM

Hi Shaik,

There are many ways to get backlinks for website. However, YOU MUST NEVER buy backlinks. Any "Paid" Backlinks will hurt you. In a recent Q&A with an ex-Google Webspam member, Andre Weyher, he mentioned that any paid links is bad.

To get backlinks, the following are a few suggestions:

1) Create interesting contents people are looking for. By having good contents, people will share it via Social Media and link it from their blog as a reference.

2) Provide amazing customer service, if people like your service, they might link to you in their blog

3) Have amazing product, good products will naturally get links from people. People can either recommend them in forums like Yahoo! Answers or simply on their website

4) Trade links with vendors

Here are only a few suggestions. you can learn more about link building in the links below.

- curvedflavor368 - 04-28-2014 09:33 PM

Build your own.Best way.
I try to get high page rank back links.The better ranked pages will bring the best traffic flow.
The higher the page rank that your back links are the higher your site will be ranked.Bookmarks are very good,no matter what field you are in.
These are some freebies that helped me out.Good luck.
Here are a few quickies…………
Source(s): (our drug addiction forum)

- Asim Ad - 04-28-2014 09:39 PM

Do seo if you really want to get back-links for you websites.

- verdi - 04-28-2014 09:48 PM

I noticed that one of my blog post is shared here and I got traffic from this page. One thing you should remember on building backlinks is that whether the link is marked with nofolow tag, might still crawl by the search engine and bring you traffic. It takes time and effort to do link building.

Best wishes,


- Nama - 04-28-2014 09:48 PM

To get Backlinks for your website you can do
->Directory Submission
->Article Submissions
These helps to get many backlinks for your website.This helps to increase traffic.If you need more Quality Backlinks for your site visit the site get the seo tool named as Search Engine Visibility it helps to get many backlinks,increase traffic and page rank soon by promoting your site in many ways.