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the functions u LOVE and u HATE on FB? - Printable Version

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the functions u LOVE and u HATE on FB? - Emily - 04-28-2014 08:54 PM

Which function u love most on FB? and why?
which function u hate on FB and wanna get rid of that? and why?

Also, is there any new function which u wanna add on FB?

I personally love the way comment section works cuz it's easier to interact with my friends compared to the one on Myspace.
It was way more cluttered on Myspace and sometimes i had no idea what my friends were talking about.

One thing i want FB to improve is IM thing. i wanna save all the convos i had so that i could look back what we talked anytime i want.

- tmooney_87 - 04-28-2014 09:01 PM

I don't like that we can not have a music playlist on fb. They say you must have a signature(and proof) from the music publisher because it's copyright(or something like that) I think it would be nice if your friends were able to hear some of your favorite songs.

- Dipendra - 04-28-2014 09:07 PM

the best function i like in facebook is that it can keep in touch with the friends who are very far and there photo and videos can be watched after being updated.
you can create event,wish on friends birthday and many more. information, news, present events and many more can be known through friends status and various news pages created on facebook
after saying you about advantages i want to make you clear the disadvantages that you are bearing because of facebook too.
1it wastes your time in unproductive works.
2 it flashes your personal news which you desire to keep secret.
3 it is just like a drug.if you don't open the facebook page frequently you will feel very odd.

so be care full while using it. the above points will sure to help you distinguish that the function you hate or love in facebook.

- joshmyrjaye - 04-28-2014 09:10 PM

I also liked the comment section, it made it simple to comment and faster as well. Good for flood wars :3. I didnt like what they did with the image black box thing that appears when you click an image, it very frustrating and I think it made loading imaged slower for me.....

Also I just want FB to make a dislike button to statuses (not the one that appears when you like a status but one that's like the opposite of liking) because sometimes I just disagree with the statuses of some people. Oh and I think FB saves convos already, I always see my old convos when I chat with someone.