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Was breaking up the right decision? - Printable Version

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Was breaking up the right decision? - happycream306 - 04-28-2014 08:55 PM

I broke up with my boyfriend of 6 months yesterday, and I feel like my heart is ripping apart inside me. I feel awful. I broke up with him because I was getting really stressed that we both had issues in the relationship we weren't dealing with, and he wasn't making enough time to see me out of school (we're sixteen and in year eleven).

I found out a few days ago that he'd tried to make a move on one of his female friends a month ago and I decided that that could eliminate any doubts I had of ending it(because I'd had a lot). Surprisingly I wasn't angry about him being disloyal, I mean she stopped him so they ended up not doing anything anyway & I'm believe that he was sure he loved me. I guess it's hard to understand unless you know us..

But yeah. This was my first relationship and so my first breakup, and part of me is convinced I was just pressured into this by my friends & family because they were angry about what he'd done. I tell myself that I would have let it slide if I'd been totally happy in the relationship up to that point, but I still can't help but feel like I've made the completely wrong decision. It might just be guilt or something, he was really upset. He's avoiding me now & everyone's told me he's really messed up about it.

I have doubts if anything I'm thinking is right... But I know that it's really painful and I don't know if I should try to start talking to him again or what. Emotional support, advice, whatever you've got-I'd appreciate it?

- Sarah - 04-28-2014 08:58 PM

Yes, go through the emotions of a breakup and the next relationship you have you will have more experience of how to handle it. You're only 16 their going to come and go till your mid twenties maybe later.

- Lauren - 04-28-2014 09:06 PM

I am experiencing the same thing as you right now!! I recently broke up with my boyfriend of 9 months because we argued a lot and I was SO sad and felt like it was a mistake. This is normal. You were right to break up with him because he wasn't loyal to you. You deserve better than him.
My advice to you is to try and get away for the weekend. I did this and I feel so much better. Make a list of all of the things you didn't like about him. Stay busy. Hang out with your friends. Post pictures of you with your friends on Facebook to show you're better off without him.
This is your first relationship, so you can't really expect much. If you learned something from it, it was worth it. You did the best you could. I am proud of you for making the right decision; that is very difficult to do. It is normal to feel different ranges of emotion (going from okay toad to sad), this is also normal. Time is the greatest healer and you will get over him and find someone better soon Smile

- Itzel - 04-28-2014 09:12 PM

I'm the same way.. I been with my bf 2 years now but the problem we hae is because trust issues but yea were always on and of its hard to brake up for good because all does memories start rushing back as soon as we brake up so either he comes back or I do most of the time. I would say if u two still have that strong emotional feelings for each other then u two should get back together .

You two should have a long talk and describe wat u two don't like about one another or wats bothering you guys. Maybe he was confused when he was trying to get with your friend. Talk to him about it. But if you guys do get back togetehr and nothing improves in your relationship. You should brake up before you go to deep in it or else you'll be like me on and off and believe me it ain't fun.

- Heidi - 04-28-2014 09:17 PM

Well I don't know I would personally not have liked if my boyfriend had talked with one of his friends the way your implying. If I were you I would rather be with a guy who knows what he wants and does not have to have a bunch of female friends.

- Chase - 04-28-2014 09:26 PM

No, no, you did nothing wrong. The same thing happened to me and I felt the same way. l. I ended up taking the person back, and they ended up cheating again. You will want him back because the idea of him remains; listen to logic over emotion here, the guy is not faithful. Often these things have a way of repeating, unfortunately, he would also probably do it again if you took him back. It is clear that you like him very much; he may have you convinced that he does too but this is a lie, he is thinking of seeing other girls and that is an indication that he does not care about you or the relationship. Some men can be pigs, this is how you learn to be careful- when someone rips your trust away like this, you see how it becomes so hard to trust in someone. I would say that he doesn't deserve you anymore, and he doesn't deserve the time you will be spending thinking about him.

That's really funny that he is acting like a victim. Wow this boy needs to grow up. Everyone will see him for who he is; a cheating scumbag.

You're gonna feel bad for sometime, talk to your friends, family, anyone that can help.

- RDPSgirl - 04-28-2014 09:33 PM

Talk it out with him but don't make any suggestions and don't be pushy. You never know until you resolve things face to face. Even if you don't get back together, you'll have closure with him and move on more easily.