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Should I text her first or just call straight? - Printable Version

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Should I text her first or just call straight? - court - 04-28-2014 08:56 PM

There's this girl that I'd want to ask out for V-day but problem is she's at work and really busy going to diff places so I really can't meet her and Valentine's is just a week away.

Anyway since she's never at the same place everyday for work, it seems like my only choice seems to be to either TEXT her or CALL her. I know calling is more personal but wouldn't that be awkward since we didn't really talk before? So I'm thinking I should just text her first via social sites.

I'm not gonna ask her straight out. I plan to just use the social site to start w/ "hey how are you etc" and then after some familiarity has been established, I'll ask her if we can meet up tom or something? Or how about after the hey how are you thing I'll be like "so I wanna ask you something but I'd really prefer if I said it personally or on the phone." then ask for her number. Then I'll ask permission to call and when l'm in the call I'll ask her if we can meet up tom or something so I can ask her about that. If she says she can't then I'll just ask her out right there on the call? Does that sound like a good idea? or is it coming too strong/awkward?

So I'm not sure if this is a good idea or should I just drop the whole thing coz rushing it like this would be a bad idea? I really want to be with her in Valentine's though. I just wanna do it w/o being a creep..

Does this sound like a good plan? Or how exactly should I do it?
We met and Univ. but unfortunately almost never got to talk to each other at all. We've been classmates for years on some classes though so we know each other. We just weren't able to talk really.

- Leo D - 04-28-2014 09:04 PM

You only have a week! You'll probably get her voice mail so just tell her where you met, that you were very taken by her and is she available? Please call you back at .....

That's how men do it. Balls out.

- ShinyZubat - 04-28-2014 09:11 PM

If you think she's kind of a shy girl, then I would use texting/social media, since that would put less pressure on her. If she's not shy though, then you may as well as just call her and ask her straight. You're acquaintances, right? So you could just call her up, make some small talk, ask her how she's been etc, and then just go ahead and get to the point.