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Realtor with SEO Questions? - Printable Version

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Realtor with SEO Questions? - noisypet288 - 04-28-2014 09:00 PM

I am a Realtor and am looking to buy a bunch of very keyword geo specific domains that range from .com and .net. These domains are specific neighborhoods in my area. So, If I create a simple wordpress site with Information on each neighborhoods should they rank on the 1st or 2nd page in google? If not, what are keys or tricks to get them to rank? If these sites do rank, and people are viewing them, can I have a link that says "click here to view real estate in abc neighborhood" and direct them to my main real estate site. Would that hurt or help my main real estate website in regards to SEO.

Thanks in advance!

- AndersVinther - 04-28-2014 09:03 PM

SEO is a big topic!

These days it seems that a better approach is to build one site which can gain authority in your main area and then have specific pages for each sub area you are targeting.

So get a good base domain name (not too long) and create pages for each neighborhood...

As an example I have a site for WordPress Security. Google knows my site is about WordPress Security, so if I write a review of a security plugin this page will rank much easier for me than it would for someone whose blog is about Web Development in general... if that makes sense...

However there is much more to getting a page to rank than this...

- Scott - 04-28-2014 09:05 PM

Keyword-specific domain names by themselves will no longer automatically put a site in the #1 or #2 positions in search engines. The domain name is one of many factors that will impact the results.

Other factors include:

- The age of the site
- The amount of content on it
- How often it is updated
- How well it is optimized for SEO
- And especially if high-ranking sites link to it

I'm not trying to sell you anything because I specialize in Web sites for newspapers and associations. But like anything else anymore, it takes a lot of knowledge and hard work to get good rankings. So I would recommend hiring a contractor if you can't spend the time on it or don't have the expertise.

I also would recommend that you start with one site (the largest neighborhood you are targeting) and see how it goes before taking on other sites.

Regarding your main site, yes, those links will help with SEO.

- Loralee - 04-28-2014 09:14 PM

No, they will not rank on the first pages on their own, at least not at first.
If there is no competition you may have a chance but in essence you need to build some good SEO if you want to rank high.

This means on page optimization as well as off-page, meaning building backlinks and why not, social media promotion. As I said, if the competition is very low and your domain is the same with the keyword you want to rank for, you won't need to much work before you get on top but you will need SEO nevertheless.