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Should I make fb again??? Need opinions? - Printable Version

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Should I make fb again??? Need opinions? - Vulgarturkey483 - 04-28-2014 09:10 PM

I used to have fb two years ago.... But I don't have 1000 Friends.. Whom should like my status.. So my status was always left with no likes or one or two
But I'm thinking as I am not that popular in my friends, how should I start fb with at least 50 new nice friends Smile
Please guys give your sincere opinion on my this idea ! Should I join fb or not????

- Lexie - 04-28-2014 09:14 PM

Do what you want. I have like no friends on FB, some dont talk to me anymore and the others are in and out.

No one ever likes my statuses but I just go on there to talk to a friend.

- Jessica - 04-28-2014 09:17 PM

I think you should, but like you said keep a facebook with close friends. Why would you want a facebook with 1000 people you don't know or wouldn't even talk to or atleast greet if you see them in the streets..

Just accept people you know and with who you actually talk with and like to share photo's and media with.. not any douche who likes to act popular with having a lot of friends on FB..

- Heyyou - 04-28-2014 09:20 PM

Facebook isn't about 'friends' and being 'popular' it's a social network to say hi to family and friends... Not Internet friends. You sound young, not to be rude, if that's the case you should hold off on it.

- Milly - 04-28-2014 09:22 PM

Seriously..who cares about the amount of likes you get?? Fb is full of fake and painful people, making you cringe about every aspect of their lives. But i guess its good to laugh at people. Just don't end up being one of those people who people laugh at.