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Computer internet connection? - Printable Version

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Computer internet connection? - CompFreak - 04-28-2014 09:14 PM

I am looking for a way to strengthen my internet connection.

My internet is set up on the first floor of my house and my other computer is set up on the second floor going, and the connection is going through metal and all that stuff. I am looking to strengthen the connection somehow.

Is it possible to buy another router and set it up next to my computer to help my problem or is there any other way besides getting a 100 foot ethernet cord to increase my internet connection.
Please excuse my ignorance.

- John B - 04-28-2014 09:16 PM

Sorry, but the only way for a good internet connection is by getting the cord. You could try another router. Would the connection for the 2 be wireless though? Because wireless does have a slower sending and receiving rate.

- Mark - 04-28-2014 09:26 PM

Get a wireless router. It also depends on your internet speed. Like I have 6.0 Mbps (mega bits per sec.) That the fastest speed in my area,
Now my parents computer does not have that speed in their area, They have 3.0 Mbps,
I live near a telephone box. That's why I get the faster speed,

- RJ - 04-28-2014 09:34 PM

Running a cable would be the best way, otherwise upgrading your wireless router to a better model would probably be your next best. Finding a better router with longer range would help out, I know the Linksys SRX series (not sure if they still make them but they should have something similar) used to have a great range and did a way better job of getting through walls and metal than the regular Linksys routers.

- John B - 04-28-2014 09:38 PM

I bought a wireless N router ($70?) and attached a wireless N adapter ($20?) into the other computer. The connection is great I cannot tell that I am on a wireless. I am a heavy streaming video user - that is why I like it so much.

I tested it by transferring files computer to computer and it clocked at 2.5 MB/s.For comparison cable/T1 internet is about 1.5 MB/s down if it is working good.

The range of wireless N is supposed to be much greater as well. I originally bought this set up when I was sharing (with permission)
wireless from a neighbors router across the street in their basement.

I would give it a try!