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Can I sign up to Facebook strictly as a company? - Printable Version

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Can I sign up to Facebook strictly as a company? - Diana - 04-28-2014 09:16 PM

I have a personal account already on FaceBook, but my superiors are asking if its possible to create a Profile for just the company. I see I can create a PAGE for a company hen I'm already signed in as myself, but I'm looking to solely make a Profile specifically for the business.

I have searched for other companies within the same industry and have found listings for them, although I can't check out ho they are created, etc. nor cn I see the profile. So how is this good advertising if I must add these companies as a friend first? Wouldn't I want to "check them out" before adding them?

Facebook doesn't have good resources that I can find for answering these questions, or "about Facebook" for that matter....

Please help!

- huey - 04-28-2014 09:23 PM

It is possible to create a page for your company (I've seen profiles for companies, celebrities, and even one of my friend's dogs). However, only the people in the same network as the company's profile would be able to view the profile. If your business is exclusively regional, then this might be a viable option. Otherwise, I agree with you that making a page is a better option.

- kaire - 04-28-2014 09:29 PM

I think the best way for a company to exist on Facebook is by making a Page. Making a company Profile seems silly -- like only employees would be "friends" of the company. You're right -- it doesn't seem like that would be good advertising at all. Maybe those other companies made profiles before Facebook even invented Pages. Even though Facebook seems to have been around for a few years, Pages only came out less than a year ago.

So basically, if your superiors want to be on Facebook, the best bet would be through a Page. I put a link to making a Page below. Btw, even if you're the one who makes the Page, I don't think your name will show up as its creator (if you're worried about something like that).