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Girl who makes me so unsure...? - Printable Version

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Girl who makes me so unsure...? - Antonius B - 04-28-2014 09:19 PM

I sell myself short and have low confidence, she has low self esteem and doubts herself too much. A match made in heaven huh? But I feel that togteher we could change that, we bring out the best in eachother.

But im tired of this sam and diane bs. Idk what she wnated or whatever.

Fact: she liked me (still does?)
Fact: I like her

Idk whT but she used to give me obvious signs and idk I guess I slacked But we tLked on social media. I made it obviois I liked her too. But neither of us took the initiative at all. Till the end of the semester. I wrote her a letter. Yeah real cheesy and dumb but she said thanks and that it was sweet and all that.

And after we talkedsome more and I asked her if she felt the same way about me as I did her

And she said "I dont really Know too wel so I cant answer that qyestion"
And adds *you later on. So I reply its okay and make convo and say hopefully one day. And then it ends there. We didnt hit eachother up and all that. I didnt msg or talk to her. After like a month I hit hrr up but she never read or replied to my msg. Today tho idk how the msg I sent 2months ago has a seen "tuesday12:30am" and was at the top of my inbox.

I creeped on her tumblr and after that break of communication its filled with some depressive stuff and as well as hopeful type things. And idk if it has anything to do with me but I have a feeling. Idk why I never asked her out...I guess what I want to know, is , is this fixable?? I really like her.

- Nathalie - 04-28-2014 09:28 PM

Dont go for the girl whos really indecisive. I think that you should keep your options open because at the moment shes got you waiting around.. Not good.
If she doesnt know if she likes you yet.. I doubt she really does.
If she liked you for sure she would have answered your question and not leave you hanging for an answer

Look for another girl, show her what shes missing!