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Someone is impersonating me online via facebook how many years can they go to jail for i live In Mass? - Printable Version

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Someone is impersonating me online via facebook how many years can they go to jail for i live In Mass? - xratedbeauty - 04-28-2014 09:20 PM

someone stole my pics, made there facebook page MY Name, i also see other profiles with my pictures but a different name! can i also sue for copyright since they stole my pics

- Darren Kitching - 04-28-2014 09:28 PM

Definitely not copyright, but they're definitely breaking some identity fraud laws. Contact the police and report them to facebook immediately. The local police will tell you how big of an offence the crime is.

- john - 04-28-2014 09:29 PM

Report them to FB. You can't sue because you don't own the pics of you, FB does.

- Matt - 04-28-2014 09:36 PM

im honestly not sure if your trolling... but if your not you cannot sue for copyright because you did not copy right the pictures of you and they cannot go to jail for using your pictures.
but any way good luck getting them to stop!
and if your a troll, try harder

do what john said report them to facebook