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Is my ip adress my computer or my internet connection? - Printable Version

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Is my ip adress my computer or my internet connection? - Unluckyhoney553 - 04-28-2014 09:20 PM

Does my ip change from computer to computer, or does my ip stay the same if both my computers use the same internet connection? if you know what i mean lol... ty XD

- Aj - 04-28-2014 09:29 PM

i think its your internet connection...

- 白 - 04-28-2014 09:34 PM

it's by your internet connection (location of your internet)

- Brad C - 04-28-2014 09:37 PM

Internet connection.
If you took you computer over to you friends house to work on, and connected to the web? You would be using His, Hers IP connection
Your 2 computers using the same network have the same IP address

- Duncan - 04-28-2014 09:38 PM

All devices connecting to your ISP account (going out to the Internet) will show the same IP address externally. They will all have a separate IP address allocated by the router internally so that the router knows where to send the stuff coming in from the Internet.

- Goerge - 04-28-2014 09:41 PM

Your IP is up to your ISP. Whether it is Dynamic or Static will determine if your IP address changes occasionally or is always the same. The router gives each computer it's own IP address so that there will not be an ip address conflict. There is also a unique mac address for each computer and your modem.

- Rodriguez - 04-28-2014 09:43 PM

The main ip address for the internet stays the same. Each computer has its own local ip address that usually starts with 192 but thats just to identify each machine on your router. They all use the same ip address that your internet company provides to connect outside to the internet.

- Who - 04-28-2014 09:47 PM

if you connect to the internet via a router
the router allocates you an IP address which only applies within your local area network (ie, devices connected to the router)
the router has its own IP address which your ISP allocates it each time it sets up a connection to the ISP (normally) - so this could be different each time it connects

The router IP is the only address that shows to the rest of the internet

Similarly if you connect a second computer then the router will allocate it its own IP address only applicable in your local area network.
the router IP address will not change.

The function of the router is to keep track of all computers that want to connect to the network, and "route" all input/output to the correct computer.

if your computer connects to a modem then to the internet. then your computer is allocated its own IP address by your ISP (if its dynamic then it could change each time you connect)