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how to change wpa to wep? Huawei HG532e? - Printable Version

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how to change wpa to wep? Huawei HG532e? - 589 - 04-28-2014 09:59 PM

My router is Huawei HG532e. I wanna change it to WEP because i cannot play online with my Pokémon Soulsilver game in my DSi XL. The problem is that the DS are not too advanced to support WPA passwords internet in games.

I've tried putting my IP address in the web browser but it keeps loading and loading and at the end i cannot access the address. I also tried getting into

i also tried but it doesnt work either, my internet is by Claro.

Please help, answer me here or text me into my PSN (PlayStation Network) account, my username is sonicaperture2
Fred, thanks i could get to the loggin page, but now the problem is i dont know the username and password, i tried username: TELMEX and the WPA password as the password but it didnt worked, i also tried admin as username and password but it didnt work

- Fred - 04-28-2014 10:05 PM

You do NOT enter your own IP address. You enter the address of the router. Open up a command window and type ipconfig. The default gateway is the address of the router. If you change it you will need to make ALL devices reconnect, that can take a lot of messing about, so change the SSID as well, that makes them all think it is a new connection and they will then ask for the new key withut trouble. This WILL reduce security by a factor of thousands.

- Ram - 04-28-2014 10:08 PM

First go on run then type in run cmd.exe. then type ipconfig/all. the ip address you see type in internet (the default password/user is user) then go to security-encryption then change to WEP. I have netgear router and I tried changing and it can cause friction with devices that are online