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I can't stop stalking my ex's new girlfriend!!!? - Printable Version

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I can't stop stalking my ex's new girlfriend!!!? - ella - 04-29-2014 12:47 AM

What should i do?? I can't stop stalking my ex's new girlfriend...i know everything about her like where she studies, where she lives, her parents, her friends, her sister, her sisters boyfriend...i know every bloody thing. its become an obsession, i'm going crazy. what can i do?? i tried blocking her on facebook but i can still stalk her twitter (by typing her name on google) or by looking up her friends...and i know its creepy. but im really heartbroken my ex left me for her....please give me suggestions on what to do to stop this?? i think i'm finally over my ex but i can't stop the stalking, i'm still so interested in what she's doing...and she probably doesn't even know me Sad

- Michelangelo - 04-29-2014 01:00 AM

find a new boyfriend move on you cant be stalking him

- Texperson - 04-29-2014 01:04 AM

The only way to stop is to stop. So quit searching for her, looking for her etc. Find new interests, join some club at school, get a part time job, learn how to cook, plant a tomato. Every time you want to think or look for her, stop, go outside and take a deep breath, come back in and do something else.

- Valleycat1 - 04-29-2014 01:17 AM

Find a way to break the impulse. Some ways are to wear a rubber band on your wrist and snap it any time you realize you are doing this or just thinking about doing it. Spend less time online or on your phone so you can not look her up, and any time you find yourself nosing about, shut down the device for a certain amount of time that feels uncomfortably long to you, whether that is an hour or longer. Say the word no or stop out loud whenever you do this. Find a project to start planning and working on that will take up your mental energy. Fine yourself for each instance and save up the money to donate to a good cause.

- 564 - 04-29-2014 01:26 AM


- Alexis - 04-29-2014 01:30 AM

As somebody who has failed multiple times at several relationships, I can tell you that when somebody you really liked/were in love with starts liking somebody else, it's completely normal to be jealous (because this is jealousy.) When somebody breaks your heart it's completely normal to do insane, rash things. (I.e. stalk your ex's new gf.) Because you subconiously want to know what she has and you don't. And once you do you want to change yourself to be just like her because you secretly hope that you can get him back.
My advice is, jealousy gets you nowhere. Stalking your ex's girlfriend just helps you to hold on to the past. I'm sure that there are a million and one things about you that are amazing that this other girl will never have. Just try to remind yourself of all these things, and remind yourself that your ex and this other girl just aren't worth your time, then it'll become easier to resist the stalking. Hope this helped.