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HELP PANICKING, question about sending an email to multiple people!? - Printable Version

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HELP PANICKING, question about sending an email to multiple people!? - Alissa - 04-29-2014 02:09 AM

Someone emailed me to arrange a time for an interview. Then she sent another email saying that other people will be running the interview instead so she CC’d the email to them so that they could arrange the times with me. I was confused by what the email meant so I forwarded it to my aunt to see, and in the forward I put really informal language about being confused. I’m panicking now, because I forgot people were CC’d. Will people CC’d in the original email receive that forward? All I did when I forwarded it was type in my aunt’s email address. I’m really confused please help that’s really embarrassing!!!

- Wrekonize - 04-29-2014 02:23 AM

If you did a forward, it WONT add the CC'd folks from before. Forwarding an email requires manual input of addresses.