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I need help starting a blogg? - Printable Version

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I need help starting a blogg? - Lizbeth Sanchez - 04-29-2014 02:25 AM

My blog website is going to be just about my family, me or whatever I choose to write about on a certain day. So far the title on the page is MyLife as Lizbethh, but i don't know if that's catching and the url to get to it pretty much the title... is it too long? what should i make the url if it is too long?

thank you in advance! Smile
ooops meant catchy Wink

- Bestbet - 04-29-2014 02:27 AM

If its for you and your family and friends the name seems to be good, go for blogspot of google for free or use the paid wordpress site.

- agentmango - 04-29-2014 02:29 AM

"My Life as Lizbeth" is a good title. If you want to change it, don't exceed the title length to 70 characters. If you want a catchy title, think of a word that describes you and represent your personality.