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How do people ship for free on Ebay? - Printable Version

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How do people ship for free on Ebay? - Mitch - 04-29-2014 05:11 AM

Hi, I am going to buy wholesale, and sell on Ebay. Does anyone know how people ship for free? Also, what items are good to buy and re-sell?

- na - 04-29-2014 05:26 AM

I'm not shipping for free. I may include shipping in the opening bid, but that is after I have figured out how to ship to Alaska or Hawaii (the points in the USA furthest from me). You have to pay both eBay and Paypal fees on the total even if you separate shipping out, so I don't pay extra or save anything.....

You want LIGHT items that people are willing to pay $10 or more for.

- Hugo90 - 04-29-2014 05:40 AM

You always have to pay for shipping.

- flower - 04-29-2014 05:49 AM

FREE shipping does not mean buyers dont pay for shipping. If it says FREE the seller expects to get enough bids to cover the shipping cost. It is just a way to market your item. I have items now that say FREE shipping because the shipping cost is included in the item price.

Electronics are always good. Read the Ebay site.

- Alan - 04-29-2014 06:01 AM

There is no such thing as true free shipping... those of us who offer free shipping are simply adding it into the cost of the item. With lightweight items, it's easy and affordable, you get that "FREE SHIPPING" banner across your listing photo, and you automatically receive 5 stars in your shipping DSR.

As for an item, take a hobby you are into and see what you can make of it. Example, I restore vintage audio equipment, which is a low volume, higher ticket sales item - however I buy a lot of repair parts in large quantity - and top quality. I then sell several parts on eBay in enough quantity that I can now purchase at the best volume discount AND make a profit on the items.

Now think of something you do, or would like to do. Work with a hobby you may have. There is nothing wrong with being seasonal either. A friend of mine sells flowers locally as a summer hobby (they look great around their house), and the seeds on eBay when in season. Do a lot of smaller sales and they do add up.