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Should I tell the pregnant girlfriend? - Printable Version

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Should I tell the pregnant girlfriend? - jazzle - 04-29-2014 07:26 AM

So a few days ago, I found out that the schmuck is been dating for three months, actually has a girlfriend (ldr) who's ten years his senior...who happens to be pregnant! I found out via Facebook. I've since stopped seeing him.

However, I'm torn between telling her and just keeping mum. But I so want to teach him a lesson though. Should I?

- Mimi - 04-29-2014 07:30 AM

Teach him a lesson by punishing someone else and possibly ruining his kid's life? He's obviously a jerk and she'll probably figure that out but it's not your place to ruin other people's lives.

- MM - 04-29-2014 07:44 AM

Do you want to help her because you'd want to know in her situation, or do you want to teach him a lesson? If it's the former, then you should do what you think is right, but be prepared for her to take his side and either deny it or blame you. If it's the latter, then you need to realize someone who'd cheat on his pregnant girlfriend is not going to be shamed that easily, and just walk away so you can focus on getting him fully out of your life and moving on.

- me - 04-29-2014 07:46 AM

Forget teaching him anything and instead focus on what the right thing to do is. If your intentions are vengeful things rarely turn out well. But if you feel that she is being betrayed and deserves to know, those are valid reasons to tell her.

I would send her a brief message explaining what happened and let her know she can ask you any questions. But if she doesn't take it well, blames you, etc. then let it go and let her deal with it herself

Edit: to mimi - She is not the one ruining anyone's life, the father is by getting women pregnant then cheating on them. Why blame the person who brings the bullsh*t to light rather than the one causing the BS in the first place?