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Should I wish my crush, happy bday on his fb wall even though we dont know each other? - Printable Version

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Should I wish my crush, happy bday on his fb wall even though we dont know each other? - 757 - 04-29-2014 07:34 AM

So hes a year older than me, he graduated from high school yesterday and theres a chance ill never see him again in my life Sad We dont know each other but i added him on fb and he accepted. Then i messaged him: 'Hey, i know we dont know each other but we go to the same school and youre kinda cute, so anyways i just wanted to say that'. Then he replied with 'Thank you Smile' then i said 'You're welcome Smile' and he never replied back Sad i know i should have prolly said sth else to which he could have replied. But would it be weird to wish him happy birthay on his wall today? Or too stalkerish? Please help

- Cyanfeather - 04-29-2014 07:41 AM

Yes. Do it. And be a stalker.

- Danniel - 04-29-2014 07:52 AM

Wish him.
And I don't think he can reply to a "You're welcome Smile" lol.

Anyways, good luck.

Btw if he ends up staying, tell him you like him, cuz telling him while he will be away is a bad idea.

Have fun.

- Dr Girr of Love - 04-29-2014 07:55 AM

If you can't say Happy Birthday to them in person, just post it on his FB wall Big Grin

I think you should msg him like you are having a normal conversation. For example, asking about his interests and hobbies.

Try to learn more about him Wink