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Why does hardly anybody see my facebook fan page's statuses? - Printable Version

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Why does hardly anybody see my facebook fan page's statuses? - Brad V - 10-15-2012 09:25 PM

I have a facebook page for my music, and whenever I update my status hardly anybody sees it. All my privacy settings are public. I changed it, then logged into a friends account who has liked the page, and I couldn't see it without going to the actual page. Please help me fix this, twn points to a solution, or best idea! =]
Thank you!

- Ashish - 10-15-2012 09:33 PM

how would people know that u have made a page, only by advertisements u see on ur right side of facebook but for that u will have to spend some money otherwise nothings gonna change except u can invite ur friends to see ur page statuses good luck!

- lola - 10-15-2012 09:33 PM

This may have nothing to do with your settings...
People who like your Page may view a specific filter by default, depending on when they last visited your Page. For example, if they recently visited your Page, they will see Most Recent. If they have not visited your Page recently, they will see Top Posts.
People who like your Page can choose to switch between the two views by toggling the viewing option in the top right corner of the Wall.

- Grace Arreza - 10-15-2012 09:33 PM

Do you have lots of fans? You need to get more likes so that your videos will be seen by them.

You can get free fans on Keeko. Grow your fanbase first before expecting lots of likes and comments.