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I WANT TO TRUST HIM! HELP ME, I AM SO NERVOUS!? - 438 - 04-29-2014 01:42 PM

Well, we are dating 15 months, and we have a long history beside selfs...we love each others for 5 yrs, and now we are in relationship. So, our first 7 months were perfect, i trust him, we never had a fight, we were great, and september, he went to high school in another city..3 hrs far away from home. From then, I was so afraid to trust him, we started fighting a lot, but today, and yesterday, we stared like nonstop! We can't stop. Yesterday, we somehow broke up, cuz we were so pissed off! He left me, he went home, he "tought" I was home, but i was there and waiting him to search for me...But he didn't. He went some, and he didn't even call me. I cried, i cried a lot, and I sent him a message, i called him, he didn't respond. I even hurt myself.. Nevermind, and then he said to me, that some girl added him on fb, and he knew where she is from, and where she is playing basketball (because he is playing too) and I pissed off! Cuz, in our relationship, we don't want to see nothing about some other boys and girls, he was mad on me, because some boys wrote me on fb, and i was writing with them so awful just for reason to not write me again. And we made up yesterday, and today he wants to go with his brother and some friends in night club, and I was so nervous, cuz I can't trust him. I think he is going to cheat me. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to help myself. HOW TO TRUST HIM??? Please help...I don't want to lose him..

- Nisia - 04-29-2014 01:47 PM

Listen up. When you yell at each other, it means that there is something you want to say but the other party does not understand it. If you both yell, that means that there is misunderstanding between both sides.

I will advise you to talk to him about your insecurity and tell him about your feelings. No yelling! Be direct and honest. Then ask him about his and how to fix the issue. Find a solution that will make you both happy.

Don't worry Smile It should come all back together.