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Question on SEO for your website? - Printable Version

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Question on SEO for your website? - 666 - 04-29-2014 07:29 PM

If i am selling 5 categories of items on my website lets say i have 5 pages on my site and each one is devoted to selling the following:

1. Scented candles

2. Toy cars.

3. LED lights.

4. Educational Books.

5. Novelty items.

Now if i use SEO and everything else to get my website ranked high in the search engines (without spending a load of money) do i have to specifically choose which category to rank high, eg. when someone types in "scented candles" into google my website is "number 4" on the page due to great amounts of work to get that ranking, however is it still possble that if someone types in "LED lights" into google that i am ranked near lowest for this or does the SEO work i'v done apply evenly accross my website as opposed to specific parts.

Thank you.

- ebvmk - 04-29-2014 07:29 PM


The SEO work done by you or your SEO provider is keyword-specific. You may rank number 4 for "Scented Candles" and rank number 8 for LED lights. SEO work you have done does not apply across the board.

- Samuel ken - 04-29-2014 07:44 PM

This is not possible dear friend,

If you are working for scented candles you cannot get some kind of benefits for other categories however your Home Page will surely improve in search engine results if it do have the same category keyword used in Title like 'scented candles'.

- SEO KNOWN - 04-29-2014 07:51 PM

The Search Engine Rankings Fully Depend on The Competition, If there is less competition then you can get the high with some effort but if there is more competition for a niche then it is hard to rank for that keyword.Try to do some off-page optimization like Social Bookmarking, Blog Comments, Forum Signature Posting etc.

- LaTonya - 04-29-2014 08:05 PM

Pages are ranked individually. So if your category page led lights ranks well that does not mean your other category pages will rank well. You have to purposely optimize each page in your site. That's why you should be using analytics to show you where to focus the most time and when.