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How a Website to receive more organic Traffic? - Printable Version

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How a Website to receive more organic Traffic? - Christy - 04-29-2014 09:19 PM

I heard about making money from websites. can anyone explain about the getting more traffic (organic) to a website?

- Iceheaded - 04-29-2014 09:29 PM

can we discuss in IM

- ttonyyjp - 04-29-2014 09:43 PM

You have to have good content and build up links over time. This is not the kind of question you can give quick answers to. Just remember is is a long, hard road to making money online and start reading different sources.

- Naomi - 04-29-2014 09:49 PM

With respect to just your blog posts, this page has some great tips for gaining and holding viewer attention:

As for promoting your blog, these articles have a seriously helpful and diverse range of ideas as to how to optimize through your content and promote your blog with other wbsites:

Last of all, you may want to consider working with keyword effectiveness index (KEI) values to help you determine which keywords to concentrate on so as to optimize your blog. You can start doing some reading on KEI scores here:

Hope this helps, and good luck!