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How to get to know a complete stranger? - Printable Version

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How to get to know a complete stranger? - 336 - 04-29-2014 09:20 PM

Theres this girl that i really want to become friends with but I'm not sure how to approach it. I did something that i feel weird for doing I'll explain. She posted on Facebook that she needed a ride to school and asked if anyone could help her out so i messaged her on Facebook and said that " i know we dont know eachother but if you need a ride I'll help you out" she responded and said " thanks but my friend is gonna give me a ride but thanks for thinking of me" i said " no problem just thought i would be nice and help you out" then she replied " i appreciate it 😊". This was about a week ago and after that i never messaged her back but i want to get to know her because she seems like a nice person. I dont have any classes with her and i never see her in the halls. I want to message her on Facebook but I'm not sure what to say. Im am a very quiet and shy person and so is she but this is stepping out of my comfort zone and im nervous to message her. Ik this is weird to ask but how do i get to start talking to her.

- Peach, Plum, Pear - 04-29-2014 09:25 PM

If you don't ever run into her anywhere, then you will have to reach out to her on FB. You can try something safe like asking if she is in any class that you may need help with (just lie) it will break the ice and get her to talk to you. Go by her response and see if she is interested in continuing the conversation.