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what kind of coding is involved in SEO job? - Printable Version

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what kind of coding is involved in SEO job? - 831 - 04-29-2014 09:51 PM

I wont to know what exactly is the responsibilities of SEO and it is done means if through coding then what kind of coding is envolved..............

- amiteshfeb - 04-29-2014 09:56 PM

The following languages are required for SEO job ,

ASP / JAVA scripting
PHP scripting
HTML scripting
Photoshop and CSS
Flash and action script

- Brett Lee - 04-29-2014 10:11 PM

No coding is needed for SEO. You have to know a little about the basic HTML though. The main responsibilities of SEO are to map keywords in the content properly and to build lots of quality back links and to keep oneself updated with the search engine updates.

- Ron - 04-29-2014 10:27 PM

SEO Tools:

Google Webmaster Tools:
Search engine submission:
(Search Engine Optimization (SEO - Getting Started):

10 top SEO tips that you can use to improve your website's ranking on the search engines. Read the full article here:


- MALCOLM - 04-29-2014 10:34 PM

SEO generally doesn't need any knowledge of coding if the website has a WYSIWYG content management system. If you have to rely on changing the code of the website manually then you'll have to have knowledge in the language in which the site is written.
WYSIWYG is an interface like MS Word where you can add things like anchor text for links and alt tags for images.
Depending on the site's construction you may or may not be able to edit the meta data (title, description & keywords) of the site as some sites are very basic and only allow one set of meta data to be used in which case you are sunk as the site will suffer from all pages looking to the search engines and so will be penalised for duplicate content.
As far as the responsibilities of your SEO consultant then you'd have to decide these at the outset. For example who will be responsible for uploading the SEO content to the site and when invoicing is to start ie do you pay from commencement of the agreement or when the site has achieved a certain position in search results ranking.
You'll also have to agree (as the site owner) to any changes in text that are required.

- Ankit Sharma - 04-29-2014 10:40 PM

You need to have understanding of webpage development and HTML, CSS syntax (both outdated ones and current ones and also which are good for search engines) in order to do On page SEO

- Samantha - 04-29-2014 10:50 PM

Most of the time the seo coding will involved in HTML and PHP .