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How to deal with this grief? - Printable Version

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How to deal with this grief? - Charles John - 04-29-2014 10:29 PM

I ended it with my ex last September. We dated for about 11 months but I realized early on that she really was not as committed to me as I was to her because she kept in touch with her ex, and would do things behind my back..She never really gave it as much as I gave it. About three months into the relationship, she started telling me that she was talking with her ex. This made me sad.

Also, she told me that she and her ex broke up because the ex's father was sick and she returned to Mexico to be with her. This always made me feel nervous that if the ex was still around I would not be in the picture. I never felt comfortable around my ex because of this.

Well today I came across her ex's facebook page by accident and I see that she is back in America, in Chicago to be exact. My next hunch tells me that the ex will be back in Florida and back living with my ex soon enough.

I don't talk to my ex girlfriend, and haven't sent her a text/or call since. She does contact me from time to time though.

I am just sad and frustrated that my ex never loved me, and I loved her so much. It is very painful for me to deal with this. I cared about her more than I cared for anyone in my life. But she is not sincere.

Separately, I am having difficulty in professional life. I got accepted into a selective Graduate Computer Science Program and I am probably going to get really low marks...Im trying too focus but these classes are so hard.

- Angelica - 04-29-2014 10:40 PM

I think if you really loved her you would want her to be happy. She is happier with someone else. It is up to you to let her be and remember her fondly and let her go. If it hurts to communicate with her now then don't. It is not about her choosing the better man, just the right one for her.
Congrats on getting accepted into the program... now get to work. It may be hard but you can do this. People believe in you, otherwise they would have accepted someone else for the Program.