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Is the biggest fear among Republicans is that ObamaCare will be a success and people will like it? - Printable Version

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Is the biggest fear among Republicans is that ObamaCare will be a success and people will like it? - The Equalist - 04-29-2014 11:17 PM

Even Republicans who had preexisting conditions with no insurance have signed up and begrudgingly admit that they appreciate ObamaCare.

If this is a success, Republicans will once again be seen as being on the wrong side of history, and a whole new generation of voters will also be voting Democrat.

Ted Cruz recently conducted a poll on his Facebook page, asking if people are better off today under ObamaCare than they were 4 years ago -- 'YES' or 'NO' -- over 70% of respondents answered 'YES'.

- Rick - 04-29-2014 11:28 PM

Even Democrats in congress are running and hiding from this mess. Yet you act like its the best thing ever. Funny...

- Rev. Hal A. Lujah - 04-29-2014 11:41 PM

You hit the nail on the head. The GOP touts ACA as a disaster but as well know it's the GOP. They are the disaster

- liberals hate me!! - 04-29-2014 11:56 PM

so far, everything says different!!! don't see that changing!!!

- libertarian - 04-30-2014 12:08 AM

There's no chance of the ACA becoming a success, it was devised by obama the biggest loser of all time.

- K8 - 04-30-2014 12:20 AM

Sorry, it has not been good for my family and very many others. We WERE insured with our affordable, tried and true insurance.

Now we are uninsured. We have been saving money in a medical account. There are many others just like us.

Our insurance was cancelled and to replace it is more than double in premiums and deductibles as well as co-pays and other charges. The network to use it is minuscule and it is crap insurance. I researched and read the policies. They are expensive crap.

I can get this really bad insurance for my family for about $1000 per month with deductibles of $11,000 in network (with almost no network) and $22,000 out-of-network. There are also 'shared costs' and co-pays. To decrease the co-pays and deductibles a little bit the premiums soar up from the $1,000.

I do not fear Obamacare - I am living it's results, results I did not want and did not vote for. They are VERY real for me and many others, and not in a good way.

BTW - I have 3 friends with preexisting conditions - guess what? They still do not have insurance. It is too expensive for them and not even remotely worth the cost.

Add - Everything under Obamacare has doubled for my family except things like the co-pays (and I'm talking the in-network deductible, not the out-of-network I would most likely have to use to be seen). The network for the Obamacare plan is tiny, ours before was not. I had the insurance a long time and have used it. There are others in the exact same boat. Those who I know getting it cheaper are using the subsidies. Without the subsidies it is not cheaper.

- 276 - 04-30-2014 12:34 AM

yes, it's overall part of a larger fear that democrat programs work...

EDIT: K8... what were your prior premiums, deductibles, and were there limits on the coverage?

it's funny because the people that I knew that had private insurance before had plans that were about what you mention, but even more expense before Obamacare?

- Marina - 04-30-2014 12:39 AM

They are running scared because for once health care is expanding and being made available for everyone.
From the get go the GOP always wanted Obama's presidency to fail no matter what he did. They want to run the country their way and will continue to spout their lies for the next two years, and if another Democrat is elected into office in 2016 we can expect the same Right wing smears.

- Nolan - 04-30-2014 12:44 AM

how about trying to read something that we write....our fears HAVE been realized, they started when it was first proposed and then passed, based on what the right said were problems and LIES with this disaster AND THEY WERE PROVED TO BE 100% CORRECT and in true lib fashion you continue to spew more lies

- Bada Bing - 04-30-2014 12:56 AM

i can't really say for certain because if I counted Republican fears, I would have at least the amount of people signed up for Obamacare..