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Girl keeps looking at me even though she has a boyfriend? - Printable Version

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Girl keeps looking at me even though she has a boyfriend? - 904 - 04-29-2014 11:59 PM

So I am very shy and can't talk to attractive girls unless they talk to me first. A while ago (about 4-6 months ago) I first noticed this girl look back at me while on our way to class. I figured she probably wasn't even looking at me but then I started noticing her looking at me more often, we had 2 classes together. btw I'm in college. She is very attractive and so I started looking at her too and we kept looking at each other in the eyes pretty often for say a second but without smiling or anything. I kept telling myself that I would go talk to her but never did. The following semester the same thing happened. On valentines day I finally got the courage to talk to her but I only told her that I found her beautiful and gave her my name. She gave me hers and I added her on fb. We haven't talked since but on fb I noticed that she is in a relationship. I wasn't surprised as I had seen her with some guy pretty often. But what I don't understand is why does she keep looking at me if she has a boyfriend who most girls would consider pretty handsome? She's been going out with him for over 4 months, yet I notice her looking at me in the corner of my eyes every once in a while and I stopped looking at her (at least while she's watching) so it's not because she sees me looking.

- ? - 04-30-2014 12:05 AM

She thinks your cute or finds something attractive about you and wants to do stuff but I can't tell you how far. I would confront her about if Smile

- sulieman - 04-30-2014 12:21 AM

She wants the D bro!! So you fuck her right in her pussy lol

- Brian - 04-30-2014 12:23 AM

During class take your pee pee out and make sure she sees it. Use the head of your ding dong as a puppet and talk to her using a Spanish accent.....that should answer your question.....don't be afraid to tell a racist joke with your pee pee either

- Stephenie - 04-30-2014 12:31 AM

U should have just flirted in person and seen if you two had chemistry.. U can't truly get to know someone on fb.. Hello...!? Have you seen the TV Show Cat Fish. Lol jk

- Avsky - 04-30-2014 12:43 AM

She's a slut.

She'll do the same to you- she'll make eyes at someone else while she's on a date with you.


- Hi, Hello :) - 04-30-2014 12:54 AM

What you are describing is not at all uncommon, especially among handsome guys. I have been told, looked at, approached, and treated as one of the most handsome guys that girls, who like me, have seen in their entire lives. It is not wrong to check out another guy when a girl has a boyfriend or a woman is married. Sometimes they get tired of their men, so they look at another guy wondering what their lives would be like with him. Maybe it's because she realizes the guy might turn out to be better than the boyfriend or husband they settled for. The bottom line is its fun to stare at and get to know an attractive and good guy even though a girl might be in a relationship, just as long as she doesn't cheat on her man.

On the guy's part, he should take this as a compliment, that a woman who is taken would show interest in him! How great is that? Smile