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Advertising campaign planning? - Printable Version

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Advertising campaign planning? - vahid - 04-30-2014 12:38 AM

- suhas - 04-30-2014 12:50 AM

What Products are you going to sell? Now a Days digital Marketing is very cost effective & accurate way of marketing your product. As you will have very close control on your marketing activities such as your expenses, budget, you can map the effective of your campaigns, you can change your strategy as many times as you want, You can monitor all your activities by sitting right from wherever you are. So go for Digital Marketing as India is 2nd largest country using the internet as the platform for promoting the poducts & services

- Venugopal - 04-30-2014 12:56 AM

your question is not correct and not understanding.

if you want to do the advertising campaign planning, then go to google adwords and login into the account of google adwords . they will give you Rs. 2000 for startup and plan advertising.

All the best