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Google Chrome vs Internet explorer? - Printable Version

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Google Chrome vs Internet explorer? - Chris - 04-30-2014 01:17 AM

I just got Google Chrome, and I really don't see a difference, it's no faster or slower than IE. What's better though?

- Cheryl deorio - 04-30-2014 01:21 AM

google chrome \\m/

- techno_vamp - 04-30-2014 01:30 AM

Obviously Google Chrome.

- rama r - 04-30-2014 01:31 AM

Google Chrome is FASTER than IE!

One disadvantage of GC is that it always asks to 'install activex plug-in'!

but thats not a prob!!!!

- Angalina - 04-30-2014 01:44 AM

maybe you are accustomed to IE thats why... it takes some time to adapt to new things.

- Stephen - 04-30-2014 01:51 AM

Definitely Google Chrome ! ! !

- Seleya - 04-30-2014 01:54 AM

Chrome is much better than Internet Explorer.