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I want to meet a cute metal head? - Printable Version

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I want to meet a cute metal head? - 725 - 04-30-2014 03:59 AM

I love metal and want to meet someone who also enjoys it so we can go to shows together. Is it weird to go up to an attractive guy at a metal show??.. Is this a good way to meet someone? I'm half scared of making a fool out of myself

- Anthea D - 04-30-2014 04:03 AM

go to alot of metal head bars where they frequent

- Alisha - 04-30-2014 04:09 AM

I think it would be fine if you went up to a hot guy at a show xD idk much about metal but it doesn't seem like anything's wrong with that. go for it =3

- anonymous - 04-30-2014 04:23 AM

Okay don't listen to any of these idiots because they obviously just dont even care what your question is about.

Okay first, try going to LOCAL shows, they're cheap, convenient, and you'll probably see people there that you know. Once you go to the local show remember some of the band names and then go to the FB page for the band and add all of the band members on Facebook, also try to add, show bookers, recorders, photographers, and merch/flyer designers, but make sure you have mutual friends with them, so they dont think youre weird or anything. Then go through those peoples friends list and find some guys that you might be interested in, in your area, start talking to them online first, if you're kinda shy in person, then say we should hangout at a show sometime, go hang with him, mosh with him, whatever, then talk to him more, hangout more, date, get married, have kids, and live happily ever after