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Tips to increase my WordPress based website's rank on search engine? - Printable Version

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Tips to increase my WordPress based website's rank on search engine? - Ekant - 04-30-2014 05:38 AM

I have a website made using WordPress. However, it doesn't show up in the search results on Google. Can anyone tell me the way to increase my website's rank on search engines, especially on Google?

- Lee - 04-30-2014 05:52 AM

To increase your website rank you should comment on blogs that are relevant to your websites niche but make sure that you put in the keywords you want to rank for has your name. Another good way to get backlinks is to submit your website to lots of directory sites.

go to and submit your website to each one.

- Imrus - 04-30-2014 06:04 AM

Firstly, you need to add valuable content regularly and optimize your site. This is on-site SEO.

Then, you will need to promote it by building links on relevant sites, sharing on social networks etc. This is off-site SEO.

- designergaurav - 04-30-2014 06:05 AM

Basically, it all depends on how well you plan your search engine optimization strategy. But yes, for a wordpress based website you can also use a variety of SEO plugins, which are quite effective and may boost your website’s ranking. For example; All in one SEO Pack, SEO Ultimate and WordPress SEO by Yoast.

Apart from all this, I would like you to give importance to your website’s content, sitemap, keywords, navigation, inbound and outbound links, image optimization, meta tags such as description, title tag, robot.txt. And to know why all these factors are important in deciding your website’s rank on google or any other search engine, you can refer the link in source as it is quite informative and covers almost all things that I want you to put stress on.

In addition to this While making inbound links, always prefer to take it from legitimate websites or else your website may even get penalized for unnatural links (if you have any).