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Does this guy like me? - Printable Version

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Does this guy like me? - Lynn - 04-30-2014 08:46 AM

We have been chatting since October an then the past 2 months I've had 3 different profile pics on Facebook and he's liked them all then the other day he like my statuse that said "who wants to be my mcm?" And it was to late to choose him but he will be my next one for the next week and he try's make me laugh and stuff (via text!) and he's aske my age and what I like and stuff but sometimes he's shy and don't talk much. He's really sweet I just wanna know if he likes me? I'm to scared to ask!

- Jonathan - 04-30-2014 08:50 AM

Im a guy and I think he likes you! So just ask him

- Chad - 04-30-2014 09:00 AM

Just ask. He definitely does.

- john - 04-30-2014 09:14 AM

He likes you FOR SURE unless he just flirts with everyone.