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what is the difference between an SEO and SEM? - Printable Version

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what is the difference between an SEO and SEM? - m.s.suhas - 04-30-2014 09:09 AM

i wanted to know abt SEO and SEM

- Lawn Gnome - 04-30-2014 09:18 AM

Officer and Manager, the Officer is above the Manager,it is a title and a raise in pay.

- MITHU - 04-30-2014 09:24 AM

Search Engine Optimization. This term is widely used in the search engine industry as a collective name for those activities that are directly or indirectly aimed at improving a page's search engine ranking.

SEM, is a set of marketing methods to increase the visibility of a website in search engine results pages .

- Mike F - 04-30-2014 09:37 AM

Short answer:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a method by which Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is accomplished.

SEO is a way to improve over time, the relevency of the ads that appear with the search results, to the term or terms that were searched on.

Longer answer:
If I search on "batteries" and an ad for the "Energizer Bunny" comes up _with_ the results of the search, that's an example of SEM.

It is used to spotlight (promote) companies who pay to advertise through search engine providers, to the searcher.

If I search on "batteries" and then _click_ on the "Energizer Bunny" ad that accompanies the results, then the search engine may create/strengthen an association between the term "batteries" and the Energizer company in the database.

This would increase the relevence of the advertiser to the search term used by the searcher, and increase the probability that an ad for the same company (or even companies in their business category) will display for another searcher who enters the same search term.

Another way to increase the odds that an advertiser's ad will show up with the search results is to run the search term through a set of advertizer web sites simultaneously with the general search that produces the results.

If the search term(s) are found on an advertiser's web site and their account is in good standing with the search engine provider, create/strengthen an association and show their ad!

As the association gains strength, increase the prominence of the ad on the search results page.

- Web Design Company - 04-30-2014 09:43 AM

SEO or organic/natural search engine optimization is a subset of SEM, where the focus (of SEO) is in keyword research, competitive analysis, on-page optimization and off-site optimization to improve visibility and the resulting (targeted) traffic of a web site on GYM (Google, Yahoo, MSN).

SEM on the other hand is the containing category, which includes paid search (pay per clip, pay per post, cost per click or pay per click), social media optimization/marketing, viral marketing and other flavors of marketing, that involve search engines, but drive traffic through related (yet diverse methods). The approaches used in these other marketing methods are refined and revised circumstantially and situationally or as search algorithms change.