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Why do you think certain people always brag about themselves on facebook? - Printable Version

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Why do you think certain people always brag about themselves on facebook? - Angie K - 04-30-2014 11:04 AM

So I know a girl who got a job travelling doing sales for her company. She is always bragging on facebook how great her job is and saying stuff like "leaving to go to the airport now, will be skiing in Colorado for this really my life? It couldn't get any better!" and other stuff constantly bragging about herself. To be honest the few times I met her I thought she was very fake and kind of a b%tch. She was always bragging about herself and backhandedly putting others down. She was also very untrustworthy and lied about not living with her current boyfriend when she was talking to another guy. However she seems very popular on facebook. Why do you think people do this kind of annoying stuff?

- ►ʞɹɐɯ◄ - 04-30-2014 11:12 AM

Well I am sure she doesn't have any real friends and we can just let the social Darwinism play out. No one likes people like that and they will eventually realize this. Just let it go and don't add fuel to the fire, no matter how annoying it is.

- 118 - 04-30-2014 11:24 AM

I dislike people like that too. Good for them and all, but It also makes me wonder if they really do have a great life if they spend so much time on Facebook.

I know, I have been working on design internships, working with a well known Graphic Designer blah blah blah. And I loved every single minute of it. But I never posted a thing on Facebook, because I never had the time, and I was too occupied. Also when something good happens to me, I would rather not let anybody know at all.

I know a lot of people often post just to get lots of "Likes" which are like "gold dust" to them.

There is this girl who keeps posting illnesses and her dyslexia, OCD, ADHD stuff and making out that she is some kind of "special person" that needs to be applaud every five minutes. Ffs!

- Liz - 04-30-2014 11:31 AM

I'm not on social networking. Most people on there are dysfunctional and put up a front. I like my privacy.