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Is Hubspot worth paying for SEO web cms? - Printable Version

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Is Hubspot worth paying for SEO web cms? - Darren T - 04-30-2014 02:29 PM

Iv been testing hubspot for seo is it worth paying for or can i do the same with free tools?

- Tommy - 04-30-2014 02:32 PM

It Depends on how much you are paying for it. I believe they charge you based on the number of contacts you can import and number of contacts you can store ith Hubspot.

From my experience, I find their tools, blogs, and training pretty useful and insightful. The thing is that you can do a lot of stuff using different free tools; however, with Hubspot, SEOmoz and other paid tools, it is like a ALL in One location for the tools, with customer support to help you when you hav eproblems AND more advance or a bit more in-depth data.

- Ashiq - 04-30-2014 02:45 PM

yes hubpages are good for SEO

- The Answers - 04-30-2014 02:57 PM

My recommendation would be to just go with a WP CMS. They are SEO-friendly, cost effective, and can do pretty much anything that you would need it to do. You can throw it up on your own server and forward your domain, and then own intellectual property rights.

You just got to update plugins and make sure you apply the proper on-page SEO best practices. Thanks.

- CCC - 04-30-2014 03:04 PM

Americaidc Cms

Easy to modify and to use content management system.
CMS is incredibly fast and easy to install.

Quick installation
MySQL is not required.
The scripts use flat files database.
The scripts requirements are minimal.
Installation takes less than 5 minutes!

open source
The scripts are written in PHP,
they are open source.
PHP,open source,no MySQL

Easy modification
Simple website's layout change
Only one CSS file needs to be modified to change a website's layout.
Source code is clear and transparent.
The whole thing is only 1MB.

Simple to use
You won't get lost in unnecessary options
Very clean interface. You won't get lost in unnecessary options.
All it takes to add a page is filling a few fields.

Great results with Google search engine
Very good Google indexation is achieved thorough well optimized HTML code and possibility to set individual page title, URL address, keywords and META descroption for each page..

XHTML 1.1, CSS, WAI and UTF-8 compliant
XHTML 1.1 and CSS validation, uses UTF-8 coding, works flawlessly with E_ALL PHP bug reporting

Much faster than most popular scripts
The script is incredibly fast. Performance is much better than in most popular scripts. Perfect even with heavy traffic.

If you're not planning on building a very complex website or shop and you care about a script that is simple to modify and very efficient - our scripts are perfect for you.