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Is This A Ebay Scam Help? - Printable Version

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Is This A Ebay Scam Help? - Shan - 04-30-2014 02:40 PM

Ok say for instance i sent out a package to someone and they say it hasnt arrived ( if its not recorded) If they are lieing do i have to send another 1 out because i dont know if he is scamming me or not... Feels weird

- 934 - 04-30-2014 02:48 PM

Ebay will always side with the buyer even if they are lying.

Sadly you will come across this type of moron buying from you now and again, just block them.

I would just refund them and block them if I couldn't prove it got there.

That's the cost of business.

- Connor - 04-30-2014 02:54 PM

Their is no legal requirement for you to send another one out if you have proof you sent one . It is the mails fault not yours
Unless it was next day delivery then you have to give them a refund

- lochness - 04-30-2014 02:55 PM

unfortunately if an item isn't sent 'signed for' there is no way of telling if a purchaser is telling the truth or not and generally with Ebay if an item isn't received you have to either replace or refund. Personally I always obtain a certificate of posting for every item that I send out. It doesn't cost any extra but you can claim compensation up to 10 x standard postage rate. For anything worth more than about £40 I send the item 'signed for' which costs about 90p extra (not sure of the exact amount off hand). It doesn't actually pay out any extra compensation than a free certificate of posting but at least you have proof of delivery if someone is lying about not receiving an item.

- Fairdo4all - 04-30-2014 02:57 PM

Good tip (after 7 years experience on ebay) do NOT send anything out without it needing a signature on delivery unless you are prepared to lose it ! Most ebayers are actually honest but there are still a lot of dishonest ones out there. The other week someone sent me a 200 quid laptop by standard parcels - no signature required - which was a pretty stupid thing to do, or it would have been if i had not had my present over 1900 feed backs with every one a positive. It was a good deal and i gave him a positive but it was a silly thing for him to have done. No signature required and you can leave it a week then say not received mate. If they say item not received and open an ebay dispute, ebay will look at both your records, if he has a better feedback than you ebay will probably find in his favour and tell you to either refund him or send a replacement item.