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Why does Battlefield 4 freeze SO MUCH?!? - Printable Version

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Why does Battlefield 4 freeze SO MUCH?!? - 541 - 04-30-2014 04:48 PM

I play Battlefield 4 on Xbox 360 and my game is always freezing! Sometimes it happens when loading a new map and sometimes it is just at a random point during a game. It tends to happen a lot more on the bigger maps like Dawnbreakers, Hainain Resort, Siege of Shangai, etc. It does NOT happen on small scale game modes like team deathmatch and domination.
It is SOOOO annoying when i am in the middle of a good game and the game freezes and I have to restart my Xbox. Is anybody else having this problem? Is there any way to fix it or do I just have really bad internet connection? I also play other Xbox games online like Call of Duty and this NEVER happens.

- Matt - 04-30-2014 04:56 PM

Maybe it is the disk
This happened to my MW2,
To fix it, Install the Game onto your Xbox!
It should not freeze no more

To Install the Game Onto the Xbox
1. Insert the Game into your Xbox
2. Click X on your Play Game to bring up Game Details
3. Click Install
4. When done, It should not freeze!