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Help I'm in a debate and I do not know how to reply as a Libertarian, but leaning towards Obama as well? - Printable Version

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Help I'm in a debate and I do not know how to reply as a Libertarian, but leaning towards Obama as well? - Hanna - 10-15-2012 09:26 PM

What should I say back to this lady on facebook in my debate? I am in favor of Obama and it also has to do with the fact that I am VERY against Romney. Here is what she said:

I didn't vote for Obama in '08... I still don't regret that to this day. The housing market is in the tank, the deficit is a an all time high, 49% of the population of America is on some kind of government assistance, 85,000 people were app
roved for SSI disability benefits compared to only 80,000 jobs created during month of June, the unemployment rate has been over 8% for over 3 years, our credit rating has been dropped from AAA to AA, he's given amnesty to illegals who will take more American jobs. He supports the Muslim brotherhood and gave 25M to Egypt to fund them. He invoked executive privilege to the fast and furious scandal that he claims not to have not known anything about it. His wife has been barred from the Illinois state bar for extortion and bank fraud. He's signed bills allowing himself to declare martial law, control the water and food supply, utilities and any American citizen can be detained indefinitely with no charges..he has turned this country into just another third world shit hole in less than three years. Yeah, like I'd vote for him in 2012. .....nah...I'm not that stupid

- Mark IX - 10-15-2012 09:34 PM

Nice rant, got a question?

- purringmonth687 - 10-15-2012 09:34 PM

Your rant was too long to read, but yes I am not only leaning towards Obama I am voting him back in. No thanks to the scumbags on the right.

- Entropy - 10-15-2012 09:34 PM

If you are a Libertarian and are voting for Obama then you are confused about what a Libertarian is about. I get not liking Romney, but Obama has expanded the scope of federal power more than any president since LBJ...I would argue since FDR.

The woman in that post in being hyperbolic in her rhetoric, but the man has been a poor president.

- Maverick88 - 10-15-2012 09:34 PM

Even though I completely agree with her, I will say one thing that I fail to understand about people debating. If you can't back what you are promoting/believe in, looking into yours or opposing views and being open minded helps you grow as a person. If you find yourself disenchanted with something and agreeing with someone else- change your opinion. Being Liberal or Conservative doesn't mean that you have to follow a cookie cutter idea of democrats (pro-choice, pro gay rights, pro-union) or republicans (anti tax, pro life, etc), but choosing your own beliefs freely without conforming to an all or nothing spectrum is what our Republic was founded on. That's why most people don't know that they are more of a moderate thinker than straight Republican or Democrat.

I'm sorry if this really does not help you in the argument, but I hope it opens your mind up to other points of view.

I'm basing this post of a better-worded question: "Help I'm in a debate and I do not know how to reply to a Libertarian because I am leaning towards voting for Obama?"