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A muslim girl want to marry hindu boy? - Printable Version

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A muslim girl want to marry hindu boy? - 869 - 05-01-2014 04:03 AM

I'm muslim girl from indonesia and now in relationship with hindu boy from india.
We are in long distance relationship as we know each other by fb and never met before.
We are already 3 years in relationship, but it seems he doesnt have any intentions to marry me, but i want to be with him, but i am afraid with religion matter.
Because my family are strict about religion problem. It seems everything is complicated but actually is simple enough to be solved by others

- Katie - 05-01-2014 04:15 AM

I am confused - you are from a strict family but they approve of an Internet relationship over the past three years?

I would not worry about this is you want to marry and he does not.

I am not in India. I do not understand the caste system. I do not understand arranged marriages. I do know if you love somebody you may have two choices - be with that person and upset your family OR don't be what that person.

Your choice.

- Jay - 05-01-2014 04:28 AM

In the west, we can tell our family to fvck themselves and marry whoever we want. The ridiculous thing is you wanting to marry a guy you've never even met.

- samiamrd - 05-01-2014 04:40 AM

Well, you have never met. So you really know nothing about who this person really is. That is a huge problem. At the moment he is a fantasy. No real person can compete with a fantasy. There is nothing wrong with him because you have never seen him do anything. Since it is a fantasy, if you want this potential relationship to go anywhere, you need to go and see him. It is not about his family, your family, or your religion. You know nothing about him. He could be married already, He could be promised to someone, he could be a criminal, and he could be so many other things. Your parents would have a right to be concerned.

Also your in a country with 200 million people, and you probably have not looked for a boyfriend, who is in your region of the world. That is also a problem. You have no basis to tell if they guy is real. I would assume that this is your first potential boyfriend. Well you need to either meet this guy or try to find a real relationship with a guy in your local area so that you can learn how to detect someone who is lying to you. I don't see your FB friend of three years going anywhere without you really knowing him as a person. This problem can not be solved until you meet this guy for real. They you would be able to make a judgement as to weather he is boyfriend material or not.

- Shakeela - 05-01-2014 04:55 AM

Fb relationship? No way hun ! You need to get out and find someone you can see on a regular basis ! And from your question it seems to me he aint even interested much by all this heartache? one thing is for sure internet is a dangerous thing you never know who your speaking with from behind the window and even if he is genuine hun you will face problems simply on religious grounds as you are aware of this need i remind you! Good luck god bless

- Meera - 05-01-2014 05:07 AM

internet relationship is always seen as time pass by people, not serious. And moreover, he said himself that he is not serious about this relationship, so end it right now. There are many guys you can meet in your own country, and like you said, religion is a big thing, hindus dont want to marry non-hindu, and muslims dont want to marry non-muslims. if you are interested in indian guys, you can search for indian muslim guys on you will find many and most of them would be serious about marriage and as they will be muslim, your parents might be happier with your choice

- Karan - 05-01-2014 05:11 AM

Dear Ms. Nadeera,
this relationship will not last long. You said that the guy is not having any intention to marry with you. even if you fly to india and your parents have agreed and his family is also agreed for your marriage but the guy himself will deny from marrying with you, then whats the point in doing this.

i agree that you fall in love with him and thats nothing wrong in that, we can fall in love with the people without seeing their cast or religion, i respect your love but at the same time also tell yourself that marrying with him will not give you much happiness because he is not ready to accept you, his parents will not see you as their daughter in law and your parents will also not be happy. making everybody near by you unhappy will not give you happiness even 1%.

first understand that the guy is not with you, he is planned his life to be spent with someone else in his cast and religion. dont go for such person who is not ready to accept you. talk to him but at the same time slow down the conversation... dont give him any reason otherwise he will make you emotional.

marry as soon as possible in your own country. its better for you and for all other people too.