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Relationships and Facebook? - Rose - 05-01-2014 12:48 PM

I have a friend who just left her marriage for another friend with no inbetween time
At least twice a day she posts about their relationship how happy they are, how much happier she is with him, that she misses him when they can't be together cause of work, what she is cooking for him, where they go, etc.
My friend is 36 and just left an 11 year marriage.
In my experience relationships that are honestly happy off of social media you can't find trace of it really on social media. However when someone posts so much it tends to be because they are unhappy and think they should be over the moon so they make it seem that way.
Am I wrong about that? I understand she is happy and in a relationship but 10+ posts a week about her boyfriend seems excessive. However others say it is normal relationship behavior, but I have only found that to be true in teenagers who are trying to prove I wrong?

- Patrick - 05-01-2014 01:02 PM

Its her way of throwing it all up in the exs face as well as his family too. Im not into the social media crap myself because I am a private person. I fix my problems rather then public display them. I get why young people post there but as an adult its childish. If I wanted someone to have a picture of me I will send them one, not plaster it all over the internet. It teaches the kids too that nothing is wrong with it which there really is.

- elizabeth - 05-01-2014 01:07 PM

Yes, a bit too much about happiness from this friend of yours, but it will wear off. New love - even at 36 - is new love and has all the hallmarks of a teenager.

- gayliamelon - 05-01-2014 01:11 PM

She seems a little old to be behaving like this.
I think that she is a bit scared that she left a secure marriage and is trying to reassure herself that all is perfect in her new world.
There may be an element of showing off her new life as its a bit of a novelty at the moment.
However I agree 100 per cent that most people are far too busy living their new life to bother pasting it all over the internet.
If you are her friend ( and not actually her ex husband) then why not just ask her .

- Falon - 05-01-2014 01:20 PM

I really can't stand Facebook because truth be told most people are not as honest or forthcoming about their life and what actually goes on in it. It's like everyone is putting up a big front, whereas a few will be too honest and always report bad news and complain. Either way it's all irritating and Facebook really has become unhealthy to be on too much because people start making comparisons of their lives to their peers on Facebook and its really an inaccurate measure for one and two its just not healthy to do.

I can see through most of people's attempts to paint a pretty or grim picture of their life. Many can't. I recommend limiting Facebook to small healthy doses only, because otherwise that site will drive people crazy. I only joined in the first place in 09 because of a person im very fond of hinted at being on to keep up w them and for family that are long distance.

I tell you this, many times I wanted to post how I truly felt and I didn't because I didn't want to seem like a "Debbie Downer" ( SNL character lol) or like a miserable person to others. If I was unhappy right now, I would never post it. It would remain private to only me and those close to me that I talk to offline. So I could be unhappy right now and the majority on Facebook would never know it. I'm pretty certain this is true of many people on Facebook. Everyone is all about reputation, image, fronts on Facebook for their peers from school, work, relatives, friends, acquaintances, etc.

- Sue C - 05-01-2014 01:36 PM

ARE you ever absolutely correct in what you've said. For a 36 yr. old "woman", coming from an 11 yr. marriage, doing ALL the things she's doing is more like a 14 yr. old kid with her first boyfriend. I personally think she needs her head examined!! This is NO way for a 36 yr. old woman to be acting what so ever. Something is wrong to you...Smile

- ? - 05-01-2014 01:51 PM

Facebook is for teenagers and college kids. If you are 36 and living on Facebook, you one, are incredibly immature, two, have no life, and three are lying outrageously. Relationships are intimate endeavors. Intimate meaning between only two people. They have no business on Facebook. I know a 66 year old woman in Hagerstown who is always on Facebook waxing poetic about her great life and how wonderful her husband of two years is. She's a drug addict and he's an idiot. And they have the most dysfunctional marriage I have ever seen. She screams at him daily about how stupid he is, she wants a divorce, he is worthless,....But she is always bragging on Facebook.

- Owen E - 05-01-2014 01:54 PM

Facebook destroys relationships and marriages daily this is used more for hooking up for people than anything else want to save your life and any relationship you will ever have close your FB account and never look back.

- Kizza - 05-01-2014 02:09 PM

Rose, please stop asking the same question you're obsessed verging on stalking.