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Wont accept connections from port 9000 on windows 7? - Printable Version

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Wont accept connections from port 9000 on windows 7? - 855 - 05-01-2014 12:51 PM

about 3 days ago my internet went out so i restarted the internet and it was working...for about 3 hours and then itll just cut back out and the problem says "this device wont accept connections from port 9000" or something like that and i have to restart my computer and then restart my internet and it might come back on and it might not but if it does it only does for about 2-3 hours. i turn my windows firewall off and it seemed to work and then it stopped again so please help and i have a linksys and its wireless
Could it be security from games(comrade,battleeye) stuff like that?

- HonestCanadian - 05-01-2014 12:54 PM

If it worked again after you disabled windows firewall it means something is certainly blocking the connection. Disable all spyware and virus software and be sure to disable any other firewalls.

Some PCs ship with extra protection on them right from the manufacturer you may not know about. Check Control Panel> Programs and Features to make sure all additional security is disabled.