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How does BlogUsNow add 1,000's of likes to Facebook pages? - Printable Version

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How does BlogUsNow add 1,000's of likes to Facebook pages? - Ayanitu - 10-15-2012 09:26 PM

I came across this Chandler Arizona internet marketing business that added 1000 likes to my business page. - Does anyone know how to do this, because I would really like to know what they do to get all the fans on there. Thanks in advance..

- Brian Poland - 10-15-2012 09:35 PM

It is simple really, over the last 3 years we at BlogUsNow have built a large network of people that love to like each others pages. This took an uber amount of time and effort and most people that sell Facebook marketing, likes, or fans just cannot compete because of this network. When we send likes to a clients page we do it in a very safe and very real fashion. If we gave our network away then we would be working for the last 3 years for nothing. So there is your milk, although the cow is staying at

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