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VERY CONFUSED(TITANIC QUESTIONS?!)? - 251 - 05-01-2014 02:56 PM

So,I can't get myself to understand this.
So if titanic hit the Iceberg at 11:42AM Ships time..
Then what time would that be in Eastern Time Zone? Like what time do I look at the clock here and know when the titanic hit the iceberg?
and when it went under(not sure the time,just know 2 something)
What time would it be here?
I wanna post something on FB right when it hit the iceberg but I have no idea when it did for my time.
I can't just post it at 11:42AM (Eastern Time Zone) titanic would've long been under water?!?!? Sooo confused -.-

- Alsergrund - 05-01-2014 03:11 PM

The short answer seems to be we don't know exactly. Here's a guy with way too much time (so to speak) on his hands who has looked into this in excruciating detail:

- Jepchamp - 05-01-2014 03:21 PM

It hit it at night, so it was not 11:42 a.m.

It turns out this is somewhat complicated, and I found a very good website that explains it:

If you convert the "shipboard" time to modern time, apparently you get that it hit the iceberg at 11:07 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time and sank at 1:47 a.m. the next morning, EDT.