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How do i fix this issue? - Printable Version

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How do i fix this issue? - 380 - 05-01-2014 05:48 PM

I friended my friends gf on facebook, but after I took a step back to rethink my actions i deleted the friends request! The reason i deleted the request is because I didnt want him to think i was snooping on his gf behind his back. Im not that type of guy! So today at a concert she confronted me when she saw me and was like did you delete the friend request on facebook? I was like yes i did. I didnt want things to look weird. I should have told my friend that i was friending his gf. Like i said i deleted it because i didnt want him thkning i was trying to take his girl and that was not my intentions. Should I send her a another request to state that my intentions was to just be friends?
I feel sending another request will state that I just want to be friends. l dont want to ruin my relationship with them! I want to keep it on good terms!
cause i feel that she thinks i liek her and I dont want my friends avoiding me.
my friend said he has no problem with us being friends! plus i know she thinks im cute. so i dont want to intrude on their relationship cause i respect him!

- wat2be - 05-01-2014 05:58 PM

I guess just talk to her but dont send request again. Just come off very subtly that you don't really care about fb or friend you think fb is stupid.

- Giulyssa - 05-01-2014 06:06 PM

I don't think you should worry.. If you really have NO intentions with his girl there is no problem in just being facebook friends.. I don't see why you should not if he is one of your good friends! Smile

Don't doubt your self if there's no need. Smile