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Ex bf unblocked me but is ignoring me? please help! x? - Printable Version

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Ex bf unblocked me but is ignoring me? please help! x? - 968 - 05-01-2014 11:26 PM

It's been nine months since he broke up with me. He cut off all communication for 3 months then he unblocked me on fb. But since then, his been ignoring me and i don't understand why. I've been asking him how he is and how his kids are... but no answers. We were together for two years, we were inseparable and things just became difficult for him, so he ended it.
we've both moved on so i don't get why his ignoring me.

Thanks for your answers x x

- Patrick - 05-01-2014 11:28 PM

Block him & move on.

- Purdyspup - 05-01-2014 11:41 PM

Yeah do as Patrick says.
Like one of his photos when you think he's online then block him xD

- Your Uncle Dodge! - 05-01-2014 11:58 PM

You said you moved on, but this post is proof he's moved on more than you have. It's not important to him to talk to you, and he's not encouraging any return to the past. I'd stop trying to get closer to him for now.

- Sarah - 05-02-2014 12:14 AM

If he is ignoring you, I wouldn't push it. It is very immature of him to be doing this to you, but at the same time it's obvious that he doesn't want to chat. He must have unblocked you for a reason, but let that reason come into the light as opposed to bringing yourself to the forefront. You'll only feel worse about the situation.

- DellaRobbia - 05-02-2014 12:19 AM

He just want to put his nose in your business, but still act like he doesn't care.
If he's really moved on, he'd stop being a pr!ck, but he doesn't want you back, he just wants to be in your business.
I agree with Patrick: block him back and move on, because nothing good with come of pandering to someone like that.

- Mara Angel - 05-02-2014 12:21 AM

. . . . He sound like a jerk. I understand that you care about him, but he obviously do not care for you in same way. Please block him and move on to better and happier life. He is just putting more stress in your life, you dont need extra stress. You will find better person to be with than him, there is more to life out there. Life do not revolve around him.
I understand that you need closure and wants explanation of why he would do that to you. I dont know real reason, nobody does, except this guy you mentioned.. I am just brainstorming here:
He probably unblocked you only to check on whats new in your life. But do not want to talk to you, basically he is being nosy... (Because when you block somebody, its both ways, that person cannot see your page, and the person who put the block on cannot see the person he blocked's page as well....)
Or maybe he blocked you so that you wouldnt see what he has been up to, that he is doing stuff that he do not want you to know about.. maybe he has pictures with other women in his facebook that he does not want you to know about. Then by the time that relationship ended so he delete all pictures of this other woman then unblock you because he have nothing to hide now that he is single again? No matter what true reason is, one thing is obvious, this guy is a$$h@ole jerk. He is not worthy of your time. If you want to move on then "his feelings" or "his reasons" of ignoring you are invalid. I say dump the jerk out of your head, he is not kind of person who is worthy for you to be worrying your pretty little head about. You deserve better than that.

- Orla C - 05-02-2014 12:29 AM

He's your ex. Get over it.